28 April 2014

Terminologi Airline Reservations

Daftar Definisi Menurut Abjad

§  Alternatif Reservation yaitu pembukuan pasti (definite reservations) pada suatu penerbangan tetapi diluar dari pembukuan yang mula - mula pertama dikehendaki penumpang.
§  Action Code yaitu suatu singkatan yang terdiri dari dua huruf digunakan bila suatu segmen memerlukan aksi/penanganan.
§  Advice Code yaitu suatu singkatan yang terdiri dari dua huruf digunakan bila suatu segmen memerlukan penyampaian informasi lebih lanjut.
§  ARNK segmen yaitu bagian dad suatu itinerary penumpang yang tidak diketahui jenis angkutannya dan waktu / tanggal perjalanannya.
§  Auxiliary Service (AUX) yaitu suatu layanan yang diminta olah penumpang (Hotel, Air Taxi, Car, Tour dsb) yang menjadi bagian dari seluruh itinerarynya.
§  Boarding Member yaitu suatu Airline (carrier) dimana pada salah satu penerbangannya penumpang diangkut dari sebuah boarding point.
§  Boarding Point yaitu kota (airport) dimana dari kota tersebut seorang penumpang dijadwalkan (sesuai dengan jadwal) untuk berangkat menggunakan satu penerbangan dari suatu airline (boarding member).
§  Booking atau Reservation yaitu akomodasi pada satu penerbangan tertentu yang dimiliki / dibuat oleh seorang penumpang.
§  Booking Member yaitu suatu airline / carrier dimana penumpang pertama kali membuat reservation-nya.
§  Carrying Member yaitu setiap airline / carrier yang aktif berpartisipasi didalam pengangkutan/peralanan penumpang.
§  Continuing Itinerary yaitu semua segmen atau portion yang masih ada didalam satu itinerary penumpang, diluar kota - kota tertentu atau gap.
§  Delivering Member (Airline) yaitu suatu airline / carrier yang didalam salah satu penerbangannya, penumpang diangkut menuju ke satu interline point atau sap (Iihat diagram).
§  Deplaning Point yaitu satu kota (airport) dimana penumpang dijadwalkan mengakhiri perjalanannya memakai satu penerbangan dari boarding member (lihat diagram).
§  Duplicate Reservations yaitu satu keadaan yang terjadi apabila dua pembukuan (reservations) alau lebih dibuat untuk seorang penumpang atau beberapa penumpang yang sama padahal jelas bahwa penumpang tersebut hanya akan dapat mempergunakan salah satu saja dari reservation itu.
§  File Address (Booking code atau PNR Address) yaitu kumpulan dari 6 karakter yang terdiri dari huruf dan angka yang menandakan lokasi PNR di file CRS. Untuk CRS, file address dimulai dengan huruf L misainya L3CLDH.
§  Firming yaitu prosedur dimana airline disuatu boarding point menghubungi calon penumpangnya yang memiliki status pembukuan definite (pasti) untuk menanyakan kepastiannya kembali bahwa calon penumpang tersebut akan mempergunakan tempatnya.
§  First Boarding Point yaitu satu kota (airport) yang terletak diawal satu portion dari satu itinerary yang diterbangi oleh satu airline tertentu, dimana penumpang memakai air­line tersebut pertama kali mengawali perjalanannya dari kota (airport) tersebut.
§  Gap yaitu bagian dari satu itinerary (kecuali jarak antara dua airport yang terletak di satu kota yang sama) yang melibatkan jenis - jenis transportasi lain diluar dari sebuah schedule service.
§  History (PNR History) yaitu suatu bagian yang menyertai setiap PNR semua catatan mengenai perubahan pada PNR tersebut, waktu (Jam dan tanggal) perubahan dan indentitas, petugas reservation tercatat pula didalamnya.
§  Interchange Flight yaitu sebuah jenis penerbangan yang memberikan keuntungan perjalanan kepada penumpang, dioperasikan oleh dua buah airlines atau lebih dari suatu boarding point sampai ke deplaning point, dengan memakai aircraft yang sama.
§  Interline yaitu kata yang digunakan bersama - sama dengan kata lain untuk menjelaskan / menggambarkan setiap hal yang menyangkut dua airline atau lebih, misalnya inter­line itinerary, interline reservations, interline point dsb.
§  Interline Point yaitu tempat dimana penumpang menukar penerbangannya dari suatu airline / carrier ke penerbangan berikutnya dengan airline / carrier lainnya kota (air-port) itu dapat berupa connection point maupun stop over point.
§  Itinerary yaitu jumlah seluruh / semua portion dari awal sampai akhir dari suatu perjalanan penumpang, meskipun dipisahkan atau terdapat gap (lihat diagram).
§  Late Cancellation yaitu sebuah reservation yang dibatalkan melampaui batas waktu sesuai dengan yang telah diietapkan oleh airline, menjelang waktu keberangkatan.
§  Leg yaitu jarak / antara dua schedule stop yang berurutan pada suatu penerbangan tertentu.
§  Local Passenger yaitu seorang penumpang yang berhubungan langsung atau melalui orang lain dengan sebuah airline setempat, atau berhubungan dengan kantor airline setempat tadi melalui sebuah travel agent atau melalui kantor setempat airline lainnya.
§  Local Reservations yaitu sebuah reservation dimana calon penumpang langsung dapat membukukannya ke sebuah kantor airline setempat, atau melaiui sebuah travel agent, ataupun melalui kantor airline setempat lainnya yang berlokasi di area metropolitan (kota) yang sama.
§  Member in Control of Passenger yaitu sebuah airline yang menangani reservation penumpang setempat dan karenanya penumpang itu menjadi local passenger airline tersebut, atau airline dimana pada salah satu penerbangannya akan digunakan oleh penumpang selanjutnya di dalam perjalanannya ke satu interline point.
§  Misconnection yaitu seorang penumpang yang karena keterlambatannya tiba ataupun karena tidak beroperasinya penerbangan yang akan dipakainya, tiba terlambat di interline point dengan menggunakan penerbangan semula, alternative flight, ataupun transportasi lainnya, sehingga tidak dapat boarding dengan pesawat berikutnya.
§  No Record yaitu suatu keadaan bilamana seorang calon penumpang menunjukkan sebuah ticket untuk tempat/space yang sudah ‘OK’ (reserved space), tetapi airline office dan boarding member di-boarding point itu tidak mempunyai catatan (record) yang menyatakan pernah memberikan konfirmasi maupun menerima reservation untuk tempat yang sudah ‘OK’ itu.
§  Non-Carrying Member yaitu airline / carrier yang tidak akan ikut aktif berpartisipasi didalam itinerary dan transportasi penumpang, tetapi dapat menangani reservationnya.
§  Non Participating Member (sama dengan Non-Carrying Member).
§  Online atau Intraline dipergunakan dihubungkan dengan kata lain untuk menggambarkan atau menjelaskan semua hal yang menyangkut pengangkutan melalui satu airline saja, misalnya on-line itinerary, on-line reservation, on-line stopover dll.
§  Originating Member yaitu airline/carrier yang mengawali mengangkut penumpang sesuai dengan portion pertamanya didalam satu itinerary (Iihat diagram).
§  Other Service Information (OSI) yaitu data yang berada pada pembukuan yang bersifat hanya pemberian informasi. Dapat diambil action / dilayani bila diperlukan dan pada umumnya tidak memerlukan jawaban.
§  Overbooking yaitu suatu keadaan bilamana lebih banyak tempat (seats) yang telah dibukukan pada satu flight melebihi jumlah tempat (seats) yang diperbolehkan untuk dijual.
§  Participating Member (sama dengan Carrying Member).
§  Passenger Boarding Information (PBI) yaitu data persiapan mengenai jumlah penumpang yang akan on board untuk setiap leg dengan pembagian setiap tujuannya disertai dengan rincian penumpang yang mempunyai permintaan khusus (special request).
§  Passenger Name List  (PNR)  yaitu daftar nama - nama penumpang yang akan on-board yang disusun secara alphabetik pada setiap segmen den class.
§  Portion yaitu sebuah segmen atau urutan beberapa buah segmen (meskipun terdapat gap diantaranya) yang diterbangi oleh satu airline tertentu.
§  Preflight Check yaitu sebuah prosedur intern airline dimana airline tersebut melakukan check-recheck terhadap record reservations, dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi / memperkecil / menghilangkan duplicate reservations atau ketidak cermatan record (incorrect record), serta bentuk - bentuk kesalahan lainnya.
§  Protecting Reservation yaitu suatu ‘tentative reservation’ pada satu airline, diluar dari pilihan penumpang yang sebenarnya.
§  No-show yaitu suatu kelalaian mempergunakan akomodasi yang sudah ‘OK’ (reserved accomodation) disebabkan oleh hal - hal lain bukan karena misconnection. Reservation semacam ini tunduk pada pembatalan ataupun perubahan status atas permintaan dari airline yang menerima tentative reservation itu, sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku.
§  Receiving Member yaitu sebuah airline yang pada salah satu penerbangannya penumpang diangkut dari sebuah interline point atau gap.
§  Reconfirmation yaitu sebuah ketentuan yang mengharuskan penumpang dengan satu keadaan tertentu dari reservationnya, agar menghubungi mempergunakan airline yang bersangkutan tentang kepastian dan maksudnya untuk mempergunakan tempat yang sudah ‘OK’.
§  Schedule Change yaitu setiap perubahan terhadap segi operasional suatu flight yang harus diberitahukan kepada penumpang yang berkepentingan.
Perubahan tersebut dapat berupa : Perubahan jam berangkat atau jam tiba, perubahan nomor penerbangan (flight number), perubahan frequency penerbangan, perubahan class of service dsb.
§  Schedule Air Service yaitu suatu airline yang jadwal penerbangannya diterbitkan secara resmi, misalnya didalam OAG World Airways Guide, serta telah menggunakan ‘Two letter airline designator’ yang terdaftar secara resmi dan beroperasi menghubungi tempat - tempat kota - kota yang sudah mempunyai ‘three letter city / airport codes’.
§  Segment yaitu sebuah leg atau sekelompok leg dari boarding point seorang penumpang sampai ke deplanning point-nya dengan satu penerbangan tertentu.
§  Special Service Requirement (SSR) yaitu suatu bentuk layanan yang dapat disediakan untuk penumpang yang ditangani / disediakan oleh unit yang bertanggung jawab sesuai dengan layanan yang diminta.
§  Status Code yaitu suatu singkatan yang terdiri dari dua huruf digunakan pada satu segmen untuk keperluan sebagai informasi saja mengenai status segmen tersebut.
§  Standby atau Goshow yaitu penumpang yang tidak memiliki status confirmed pada reservations-nya, datang pada satu lokasi check-in di airport, siap atau bersedia untuk setiap seat menerima tempat (seat) yang tersedia pada saat-saat terakhir (subject to availability).
§  Stopover yaitu sama artinya dengan pemutusan / penghentian perjalanan (break of journey), yaitu pemutusan / penghentian suatu perjalanan yang dilakukan atas kehendak penumpang serta atas persetujuan sebelumnya dari airline yang bersangkutan, disatu kota antara tempat keberangkatan dan tempat tujuan (place of destination).
§  Ticketing Time Limit yaitu waktu (tanggal / jam) yang telah ditentukan / ditetapkan airline, dimana penumpang harus membeli ticket untuk neservations-nya yang sudah dalam status ‘OK’ itu, sebelum batas waktu yang telah ditentukan habis. Termasuk dalam katagori ini adalah penumpang yang sudah memiliki ticket sebelumnya dan meminta untuk di-revalidasi (revalidated) atau untuk di reissue (reissued), guna mencerminkan pembukuan barunya.
§ Waitlist yaitu status pembukuan dimana calon penumpang yang memerlukan seat pada suatu penerbangan, dimana kondisi penerbangan yang dimintanya dalam keadaan penuh baik class of service-nya maupun tanggal keberangkatannya

14 April 2014

Air Cargo, Terms & Abbreviation

A2A                                                   Airport-to-airport
A2D                                                   Airport-to-door
ADV                                                   Advise, Advised, Advising
AEA                                                   Association of European Airlines
Airline                                             Company operating aircraft between
steady origin and destination airports
Airmail                                             Mail travelling by air
Air Operator                                     Company operating aircraft
Airport-to-airport                            Transport from an airport of origin to an
airport of destination
Allotment                                         Assigned volume on board of a flight / day
AOG                                                  Aircraft On Ground ; materials expedited
for repair of a grounded aircraft
AP                                                     Airport
ARR                                                  Arrive, Arrived, Arrival, cargo and
documents arrived at airport of destination
ATA                                                   Air Transport Association
ATA                                                   Actual Time of Arrival
ATD                                                   Actual Time of Departure
Authorization                                   The commission to a certain person or
body to act on behalf of another person or
body ; the person or body can be
authorised e.g. to issue air waybills or to
collect freight
AVI                                                   Live Animal(s)
AWB                                                  Air Waybill
Backlog                                            Amount of goods still to be delivered or
received and for which the planned or
agreed date has expired
BAG                                                   Baggage
Belly                                                 Lower-deck cargo hold of an aircraft
BIG                                                   Outsized cargo
Blocked-space agreement              A continuous reservation (allotment) for
space at one or more flight / date
combinations with an airline
Bonded Goods                                  Goods on which the customs duty has
not yet been paid, and which therefore,
are under the control of customs;
usually in a Bonded warehouse.
Bonded warehouse                         A depository for goods on which the
customs duty has not been paid ;
the warehouse proprietor must provide a
bond (often in the form of a bank warranty
or a mortgage) to the customs authorities
as a security for any duties which may not
be paid by the customer
Booking                                            Request for reservation of space on a
flight/day, (to be) confirmed by the airline
Break Bulk Agent                                      A forwarder breaking the bulk: taking care
of the unpacking and sorting of goods after
the flight
Breakdown List                                List of shipments carried in one
Broker                                              Person who acts as an agent or
intermediary in negotiating contracts ;
sometimes refers to a forwarder role
Bulk Cargo                                       Loose cargo not loaded on an ULD
Cargo Aircraft                                  Aircraft built with the purpose of carrying
nothing else than cargo
Cargo assembly                               The separate reception of parcels or
packages and the holding of them for later
dispatch as one consignment ;
consolidator role
Cargo disassembly                          The separation of one or more of the
parcels or packages that are part of a
consignment for further distribution ;
break bulk role
Carriage                                           Transport ; the process of conveying cargo
from one point to another
Carrier                                              The party responsible for transport of
goods from one point to another, this can
be for example an airline or a forwarder
CASS                                                 Cargo Accounts Settlement System
CAO                                                  Cargo Aircraft Only
CC                                                     Charges Collect ; pay at moment of
collection of the goods
CCS                                                   Cargo Community System ; information
system integrating the communication
between air cargo parties at an airport
Certificate of Origin                        A certificate proving the country of original
production of goods ;
used for customs declaration purposes
Charges collect                                Charges as stated on the air waybill to be
collected from the consignee
Charges prepaid                              Charges as stated on the air waybill to be
collected from the shipper
Claim                                                 A written complaint about the execution of
a contract of transportation by a carrier,
combined with a demand for financial
Classifying                                       Assigning the right import classification
number to goods as part of the customs
declaration process
CLR                                                   Clear
CNEE                                                 Consignee
COLL                                                 Collect, Collected, Collecting
COMAT                                             Company Material (non revenue cargo)
Combi                                               Combi Aircraft, combining transport of
passengers and cargo on the main-deck
Commodity                                                 Indication of the type of goods ;
commodities are coded according to the
harmonised system
Commodity code                              Code used in the Harmonised System for
the classification of goods, which are
mostcommonly produced and traded
Complaint                                        An official statement from a customer to a
carrier about his unhappiness with the
service or operation of the service provider
Consignee                                        The person or company that is physically
and administratively responsible for
accepting the goods at final delivery
Consolidation                                   A collection of shipments belonging to
different shippers travelling to one
destination or area to be distributed to
several consignees
Consolidation Manifest                              List of shipments carried in one
Consolidation Rates                        Rates as given by a consolidator /
Consolidator                                     A forwarder consolidating shipments
before a flight ;
these shipments belonging to different
shippers and travelling to one destination
or area in order to be distributed to several
consignees after the flight
Courier                                             Company that carries envelopes and
parcels up to 75 kg from door to door ;
air transport is generally outsourced to
Courier Rates                                   Rates as given by a courier
CPTY                                                 Capacity
CRN                                                  Customs Release Note
Customs Agent (Certified)              Party certified to handle the customs
clearance on account of importers /
Customs invoice (Pro forma)         Invoice for import declaration (customs
and statistics) purposes, stating the
commercial price, added with the costs for
freight, insurance and packing etc., terms
of delivery and payment
Customs value                                 Value of goods to be imported for import
declaration (customs and statistics)
D2A                                                   Door-to-airport
D2D                                                   Door-to-door
Dangerous Goods                            Goods that can be hazardous for health,
flight-safety or materials
DAP                                                   Delivered As Promised (in full and on time
statuses are achieved)
DEP                                                   Cargo and documents departed at airport
of origin
DEPT                                                 Department
DG                                                     Dangerous Goods
DGR                                                  Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA)
Dimensional Weight (Conversion) Concept adopted by the transportation
industry worldwide as a uniform means of
establishing a minimum charge
for the cubic space a package occupies ;
the volume is converted into a (higher)
weight / price class
DIMS                                                 Dimensions
DIP                                                   Diplomatic mail
DLV                                                   Deliver, Delivered, Delivering
DOCS                                                 Document(s), Documentation
Domestic transport                         Transport within a country
Door-to-door                                    Transport from an initial shipper’s house
address to a final consignee’s house
Duty                                                  Tax imposed on goods imported from
another country
EDI                                                    Electronic Data Interchange
EDIFACT                                           Electronic Data Interchange For
Administration, Commerce and Transport ;
a specific EDI protocol
e-Freight                                          Electronic freight documents project from
e-Freight aims to take the paper out of the
air cargo supply chain and -processes
and replace it with cheaper, more accurate
and more reliable electronic messaging ;
facilitated by IATA,
the project is an industry-wide initiative
involving carriers, freight forwarders,
ground handlers, shippers and customs
Electronic Data Interchange           The interchange of electronic data,
structured following an agreed protocol,
between the automated information
system of different parties
Embargo                                          An embargo on a certain kind of goods
means these goods will not be transported
by the airline, often for flight-safety
Equipment                                       Materials needed to handle or transport
ESC                                                   European Shippers’ Council
ETA                                                   Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD                                                   Estimated Time of Departure
Expediting                                       Forwarding goods (in less than the normal
lead time)
Expeditor                                         Forwarder
FAK                                                   Freight All Kinds
FAK-Rates                                       Rates for Freight All Kinds
FAP                                                   Flown As Planned (the complete shipment
has flown at or before the last planned
flight with a maximum 12 hour delay)
FCL                                                   Full Container Load
FDCA                                                 Found Cargo
FFM                                                   Freight Forwarding Message (electronic)
FIATA                                               International Federation of Freight
Forwarders Associations
FLT                                                    Flight
Forwarder                                        Company specialized in providing door-to-
airport transport, arranging connecting air
transport and/or airport-to-door transport
for parcels and consolidations > 75 kg or
up to anything that fits in an aircraft ;
the air transport is generally outsourced to
airlines and sometimes aircraft operators
or air charter companies
Forwarder network                         A network existing of different smaller to
medium sized forwarding companies all
over the world working together
Freighter                                          Aircraft built with the purpose of carrying
nothing else than cargo
FSU                                                   Freight Status Update
Fuel surcharge                                 Surcharge added to the cargo rate to cover
the additional costs of increasing fuel-
prices ; these will generally folow a certain
Full charter                                                Chartering the full available volume of an
aircraft or flight/day
Full Container Load                         Container fully loaded, generally with
goods belonging to one party
Full freighter                                    Aircraft built with the purpose of carrying
nothing else than cargo
FWB                                                  Electronic air waybill message
the shipment is booked at the airline, next
an electronic air waybill is generated by
agent (forwarder) ;
this creates the so-called route map in C2K
in which all the steps are followed
FYI                                                    For Your Information
General Cargo Rates                       Rates for all different kinds of cargo, not
falling into a specific handling and/or rate
GSA                                                   General Sales Agent
GSF                                                   Global Shippers Forum
Handling Agent                               Agent handling the ramp and/or
warehouse cargo operation for an airline
Harmonised System                       A numeric multi purpose system for the
classification of goods with its six digits
covering about 5000 descriptions of the
products or groups of products most
commonly produced and traded, designed
for customs purposes,
but can also be used for statistics,
transport purposes, export, import and
the international convention on the HS was
established under auspices of the World
Customs Organisation in 1983
Haulage                                           Inland transport of cargo
Haulier                                             Road carrier
HEA                                                   Heavy Cargo
HAWB                                               House Air Waybill
House Air Waybill                           The shipment contract between the end-
customer and the forwarder
Hub                                                   Central point in a transport system or network
HUM                                                  Human remains
HWB                                                 House Waybill
IATA                                                 International Air Transport Association
IATA-Agent                                      An IATA certified agent
ICAL                                                 Inbound Cargo Action List
ICAO                                                 International Civil Aviation Organisation
ICE                                                    Dry Ice Shipment
IN                                                     Inches
Inco terms                                       Internationally agreed set of standard
delivery terms
Integrator                                        Carrier integrating different modes of
transport to form a door-to-door transport
or supply chain ;
this term mostly refers to the large
international express companies who’s
core business is to carry envelopes and
up to 75 kg, often overnight or even same
Intermodal Transport                     The movement of cargo in a supply chain
by more than one mode of transport ;
for example road/air or sea/air transport
INV                                                   Invoice
ISA                                                   If Space Available
KG                                                     Kilos
L/C                                                   Letter of Credit
LCL                                                   Less than Container Load
Less than Container Load               Container partly filled with goods from one
party, or an amount of goods that is not
sufficient to fill one container
and will therefore likely be consolidated
LHO                                                  Living Human Organs / Blood
License, import / export                 Governmental permit to import / export
certain goods under certain conditions
Line item                                         Order line, each line on a packing list or
invoice to be declared for customs
Load factor                                       The extent to which the aircraft (weight-,
volume-, ULD-) capacity is efficiently
utilized (to generate profit)
LOC                                                   Location
Loose cargo / shipments                Cargo / shipments not loaded on an ULD
Lower deck                                                The (cargo) deck below the main deck or
upper deck of an aircraft
LT                                                      Local Time
Main deck                                        Upper deck ; the (cargo) deck above the
lower deck of an aircraft
Manifest, flight                                Document listing the air waybills and a
specification of the related goods carried
on a flight
Master Air Waybill                           The shipment contract between the
forwarder and the airline
MAWB                                              Master Air Waybill
MFST                                                 Manifest
Minimum Rate                                 Rate to cover the basic costs of carrying a
MSG                                                  Message(s)
Network Forwarder                         A large forwarding company with
worldwide branches
NFD                                                   Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at
airline (handler), the customer (forwarder)
is notified
NND                                                  Notice of Non Delivery
NON-IATA                                        Airline or agent that is not a member of
Nose loading                                    Loading cargo through the cargo door in
the nose of an aircraft
Notify address                                 Address of a party other than the
consignee to be notified of arrival of the
Notify party                                      Party other than the consignee to be
notified of arrival of the goods
NOTOC                                             Notification To Captain ; list for the captain
of the aircraft with goods carried on board
N-Rates                                            Rates for shipments with weights up to 45
kg (in Indonesia, commonly up to 10 kg)
NVOCC                                             Non Vessel Operating/Owning Cargo
Carrier ;
in case of Air Cargo a Carrier (e.g. a
Forwarder or Consolidator) who issues Air
Waybills for the carriage of cargo on
aircraft which he does not operate or own
OAG                                                  Official Airlines Guide
OB                                                     On Board
Oversized cargo                               Cargo that exceeds the dimensions of an
Package                                           Packed piece of cargo
Packing list                                                A list for customs declaration and
consignment purposes stating number and
kinds of packages being shipped, totals of
gross, legal, and net weights of the
packages, marks and numbers on the
packages, contents and part-/
Pallet                                                          A (standardized) platform on which goods
can be stacked for transport or warehouse
handling purposes
Pallet, aircraft                                  A (standardized) platform on which goods
can be stacked for air transport purposes
Pallet net                                         A net used to secure the cargo on the
aircraft pallet
Parcel                                               Package
Part charter                                      Chartering of a part of the available
volume on an aircraft or flight/day
Part shipment                                  Part of a shipment that travels on a
different flight and/or day than the rest of
the shipment due to available capacity with
the airline
PAX                                                   Passenger(s)
Payload                                            The (cargo) load that can be carried by an
aircraft (to generate revenue)
PC                                                     Piece(s)
PER                                                   Perishable Cargo
PFI                                                    Pro Forma Invoice
POA                                                  Proof Of Acceptance ; legal proof a
shipment has been accepted by a party
POD                                                  Proof Of Delivery ; legal proof a shipment
has been delivered by a party
POD                                                  Place Of Delivery
PP                                                     Charges Prepaid
PPD                                                   Prepaid
Pre-alert                                          Message stating the current and or
expected status of the goods
Principal                                          The customer ordering the transport or
related services
PSH                                                   Part Shipment
QNTY                                                 Quantity
Q-Rates                                            Rates with a quantity discount
RCF                                                   Cargo has arrived in the cargo bay at final
destination ;
cargo and airwaybill are administratively
received in the system
RCPT                                                 Receipt, Reception
RCS                                                   Cargo and documents are received 'Ready
For Carriage' and accepted by airline
Ready For Carriage                         (By Air) The goods are correctly packed
and labeled, and customs cleared, with the
right documents attached
Ready For Transport                       (By Road) The goods are correctly packed
and labeled, with the right documents
RFC                                                   Ready For Carriage
RFT                                                   Ready For Transport
Routing                                            The path that is (to be) followed by the
goods from shipper to consignee
RUSHR                                             Rush Reply
SASPO                                              As Soon As Possible
SAWB                                               Substitute Air Waybill
Security surcharge                         Surcharge added to the cargo rate to cover
the additional costs of the increasing
number of security checks and related
administration that are legally required by
the authorities
Shipper                                            The person or company that is physically
and administratively responsible for
shipping the goods ;
for an airline in most cases a forwarder will
be the shipper, for a forwarder the shipper
is a third party,
for example a trading company, a
manufacturer, etc.
Shipper’s Letter of Instruction      Document issued by the shipper to instruct
and authorize the forwarder to forward and
declare goods on his behalf ;
contains all shipment details needed to
facilitate these services
SHPMNT                                           Shipment
Side loading                                     Loading cargo through a cargo door in the
side of an aircraft
Skid                                                  Pallet
S/L                                                   Short Loaded
SLI                                                    Shipper’s Letter of Instruction
SSPD                                                 Short Shipped ; stayed behind
TACT                                                 The Air Cargo Tariff ; publication of official
airline tariffs
TBA                                                   Time Before Arrival
TBD                                                   Time Before Departure
TEMP                                                 Temperature
TIACA                                               The International Air Cargo Association
TILNA                                               Tilting Not Allowed
TILTA                                               Tilting Allowed
Time Slot                                         The agreed time to collect or deliver goods
Tonne Kilometer                              One tonne (1000 kg or 2204.6 lb) metric
flown one kilometer ; productivity indicator
TRA                                                   Transit
Tracing                                             Retrieving (information on) the status of
goods and documents
Tracking                                           Regular checking on the status of goods
and documents
Track & Trace                                   Automated regular retrieval of
(information on) the status of goods and
documents and checking these against the
agreed norms
Transfer cargo                                 Transfer of cargo from one flight to another
Transito / Transit cargo                  Transfer of cargo from one flight to another
TRM                                                  Transfer Manifest
TTL                                                    Total
ULD                                                   Unit Load Device
ULD, contoured                                Unit Load Device shaped to exactly fit in an
UNACC                                             Unaccompanied
Unit Load Device                              Standardized air cargo loading equipment
(pallet, container)
Upper deck                                                 Main deck ; the (cargo) deck above the
lower deck of an aircraft
VAL                                                   Valuable cargo
VAT                                                   Value Added Tax
VOL                                                   Volume
Volume charge                                 Air transport charge based on the volume
of goods instead of the actual weight
VUN                                                  Vulnerable cargo
Weight charge                                 Air transport charge based on the actual
weight of the goods
Weight & Balance                           Management of the weight and allocation
of cargo, passengers and fuel for a flight
W/H                                                  Warehouse
XPS                                                   Priority Small Package
XS                                                     In Excess
Yield management                          The process of maximizing the contribution
(revenue) of the (transport & handling)
network, equipment, infrastructure and