Merpati Nusantara Airlines merupakan salah satu perusahaan penerbangan yang tertua dan pernah menjadi yang terbesar di Indonesia. Berawal dari keberhasilan Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia dalam membangun jembatan udara di Kalimantan, yang menjadi dasar bagi Pemerintah Republik Indonesia untuk mendirikan suatu perusahaan negara yang berada di bawah lingkungan departemen perhubungan. Maka pada tanggal 6 September 1962, berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 tahun 1962, maka Merpati Nusantara Airlines didirikan dengan bermodalkan 2 pesawat Dakota DC-3 dan 4 pesawat deHavilland Otter ( read more... )
Strategi Pemasaran Airlines Melalui Internet
Internet telah menjadi saluran distribusi strategis untuk penjualan berbagai macam produk, termasuk tiket pesawat. Untuk beberapa maskapai penerbangan di luar negeri, terutama low cost carrier, penjualan melalui internet mungkin merupakan satu-satunya alat distribusi bagi produk mereka.
Di Indonesia, menurut Internet World Stat (IWS), sampai dengan akhir 2009, pengguna internet mencapai lebih dari 30 juta orang, atau sekitar 13 % dari total penduduk Indonesia yang mencapai 234 juta jiwa ( read more... )
Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 Tentang penerbangan
(read more... )Employees of an Airline
There are number of Airlines operated in Indonesia, with different names, structures of organization, operations, but there is a certain amount of similarity among each airline. An airline's most important assets are its airplanes and its people. An airline can have the most recent and best planes in the, but without the employees, an airline can't do anything.
Airlines are most often represented in public by those employees who have the most contact with their passengers, such as pilots and flight attendants, but there are many more airline employees working behind the scenes. Larger airlines may employ more people, but the employee categories are generally the same no matter what the size of the airline.Here are the various types of employees in an airline ( read more... )
Penilaian Maskapai Penerbangan Periode X (Juni 2009)
(read more... )Marketing Strategy in the Midst of Stiff Competition of Domestic Airlines
In 2010, domestic passengers predicted will grow about 15%, this is caused by the addition of aircraft fleet and capacity on major Airlines. Also because of the increasing demand of air transportation services, as it is considered more efficient and economical.
As economic growth in Indonesia began to increased, the traffic movement of people has also increased. There is a new paradigm that occurred in the domestic Airline business: the demand will increase in line with the addition of supply. We see the example with the entry in Garuda Indonesia fleet of B738 and B739 in Lion Air, the Seat Load Factors of two fleets is not less than 75% or number of passengers onboard is 150 passengers per flight in average.In the midst of tough competition, where nearly all the Major Airlines upgrading its fleet into large and sophisticated Aircraft to fly over the main routes. The strategy to survive of this "Clash of the Titans", is finding a market niche, looking unspotted but potential routes ( read more... )
Knowledge About the Nature of Aviation Services
Nature of Aviation Services are : (read more... )Banjarmasin - Bandung
Di tahun 2009, tercatat rata-rata 3.000 penumpang yang berangkat / datang di Bandara Syamsudin Noor, Banjarmasin. Dari jumlah tersebut, penumpang ke / dari Jakarta yang paling banyak.... bisa mencapai 1.200 - 1.500 orang per hari!Sementara di tahun 2010 sudah ada beberapa Airlines yang akan menambah frekuensi penerbangan Jet dari / ke Banjarmasin, diantaranya Batavia Air, Citilink, Sriwijaya Air.
Di sisi lain, mobilitas transportasi dari Bandung ke Bandara Sukarno-Hatta luar biasa banyak. Dari mulai bis Primajasa yang melayani trayek BSM-BSH, Travel Cipaganti, X-Trans, juga moda transportasi KA Bandung-Gambir yang disambung dengan Bus DAMRI Gambir-Cengkareng... Per-hari perjalanan penumpang dari Bandung yang menyebar ke Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi melalui Bandara Soekarno Hatta jakarta bisa mencapai ratusan orang.
Sampai dengan saat ini belum ada operator penerbangan / Airlines yang melirik potensi rute Banjarmasin - Bandung pp. Dan ini merupakan peluang bagi Airlines yang mencari market niche untuk rute potensial bagi pesawat jet ( read more... )
Aviation Business (Commuter) Opportunities
Pioneers Flight is a government contract that using the pattern of subsidies from the Central Government Budget (APBN), where the prevailing system of government subsidies for operators who won the tender of the contract.
Pioneer routes are routes that connect one area with another, which there are no commercial flights fly over the two areas.
Most of pioneer air strip has special features below 1.200 meters long runway that can only be landed by plane with the specification of Short Take Off and Landing (STOL). While only a few operators that have a commuter aircraft with STOL specifications, such as: Merpati, Pelita, Aviastar, Trigana, SMAC, NBA.
This Pioneer Flights contract eligible for consideration as a target business income, because the results obtained is very significant and prospectuous ( read more... )
Raise of the Commuters
In 2009, is an initial period of increasing activity of commuter flights. For example, in 2008 only a few commuter operators that operate in Banjarmasin : Pelita Air and Riau Air. But in the year 2009, there are numbers of operators who operate commuter flight routes from / to Banjarmasin : Trigana, Kalstar, Susi Air, and Jhonlin Air Transport.
Number of users of air transport services within 5 (five) years is still estimated to grow relatively high. This is because of the factors of facilities and infrastructures of other transportation modes are still limited, while that in line with the essence of local autonomy program, whereby each Local Government, especially in Kabupaten level, competing their investment opportunities and development programs of their own regions, which impact on the increasing mobility of peoples between regions.
With an increase in business activity and investment in remote areas are supported by Local Governments to open the air route into the area, will open up opportunities for commuter operators for the developing world ( read more... )